Notes on RSA 2010 Exhibits
Great exhibition, as usual, and I really enjoyed it.
A. Most interesting (to me) exhibits and new products, in no particular order:
- PrevX "micro anti-virus." Got to try this. Only 1 MB footprint. Rather than download 5K+ signatures, it merely "pulls over" any suspicious software, fingerprints it, and transmits the prints to its central system to see if it's bad. Allows a much bigger signature database. Get your 1 year free trial copy at
- ThreatPost, a division of Kaspersky. More vulnerability data can't hurt.
- Secunia, which has a free desktop version, does a continual survey of which apps on your machine need patching, and optionally actually does it. Great for mindless staff. Enterprise version starts at $28,000.
- FBI recruiting booth, looking for cybersecurity talent.
- DHS, ditto. Rolling out CSET Cyber Security Evaluation Tool. Big focus, at last, on SCADA via their Control Systems Security Program. If you have, or are building, a utility (gas, electric, etc.) control system, they offer FREE programmer training and FREE evaluation of your design and/or system. Your only cost is airfare to Idaho Falls plus hotel.
- Damballa, only vendor (I saw) to openly discuss APT, which they treat as just another intrusion. Look for its control process signature and shut it down before even locating the malware.
- FreeScale, say they have built crypto into their processors, including secure booting. At last a ray of hope.
- Ipswitch MoveIt file transfer system. Bunch of simple, obvious solutions for moving files around securely within and outside the enterprise. Looks very useful.
- PGP recently acquired TrustCenter CA service. Interesting because I might actually trust PGP as a CA. $400 deposit signs you up at their most basic level.
C. Dead elephant in middle of room: Lack of secure booting / program loading on Intel micro processors renders most purported e-security solutions ineffective. The causes of this (national security) disaster shall remain nameless. You know who you are.
D. Sightings-of / encounters-with people I knew: Jeff Kutler interviewing David Chaum, Sandy Lambert showed me pics of her grandkids.
See you all again next year!
Labels: corestreet, damballa, dhs, fbi, ipswitch, pgp, prevx, RSA 2010, secunia, threatpost